Q: How are you? How is LSU?
Johnathan: have loved every minute of my time at LSU. I’ve made friends for life from all over the world. I am dual majoring in mass communications and political communications and I am enjoying that. I have joined the Freshman Leadership Council and the NAACP Black Student Union. It is exciting being part of something that is bigger than myself pushing to make lives better for everyone on campus and in the world.
Q: Have you faced any challenges your first semester at college?
Johnathan: Oh ya! I learned I still have a lot to learn. The teaching style in college is completely different. I had to be proactive in creating my own study guides and seeking out study groups. I learned quickly to connect myself to the smart kids. I am learning how to better prioritize and manage my time. In the beginning, I was spending more time on essays and not enough time studying for upcoming quizzes. I had to quickly correct that habit.
Q: Did Odyssey help you in any way prepare for college?
Johnathan: Most definitely. First of all I would not be attending LSU if Ms. Fleming hadn’t connected me to the Academic Common Market. As long as I stay in my specific major, I pay in-state tuition to attend LSU. There is so much more Odyssey gave me. I learned to put together a resume. Odyssey helped me polish my essay that centered on the passing of my father and I how I’ve grown through my grieving. Mostly Odyssey gave me the extra push I needed to believe in myself.
Q: What advice would you give to an Odyssey 12th grade scholar?
Johnathan: The first day, the first hour you are at school, go visit the Center for Academic Success or whatever it is called on your campus. They will work with you to create a customized time management plan that incorporates all aspects of your life including, academic, social work, and health. They can also guide to you resources when you need a little extra help.
Q: How could our supporters, families and fellow-alumni best help you?
Johnathan: Well, this summer I hope to secure an internship in the field of digital marketing or digital advertising. I know this may seem a little outside my major but I love this field. I love movie trailers, I love YouTube ads, I love social media campaigns. My dream would be to work with Apple, CNN or another large organization that focuses on this. If you know someone who knows someone and you know me, please introduce us!