• I am ready to join the Quest! I want to be an Odyssey HERO!

  • Does your company have a Matching Gift Program? If so, please consider matching your Hero gift to impact even more students
  • Recognition

    For recognition purposes as Odyssey Heroes, please indicate how you would like your gift to be listed among our donors.

  • Listed As:
  • Odyssey Heroes Pledge

    It is our intention to make the following commitment to Odyssey, Inc. $10,000 for general support to be paid in equal $2,500 installments over the next four (4) years. The breakdown of our Odyssey Heroes pledge is as follows:

    Odyssey Fiscal Year (October 1st to September 30th)

    2025 $2,500
    2026 $2,500
    2027 $2,500
    2028 $2,500
    Total $10,000